Manga at its best! This one, we dedicated to the loveable little yellow guy himself...
Piper Lane Kids Co. is a brand that was created with the fashion-forward child in mind. From footwear to accessories, handmade & trendy is front & center!
Each shoe in our moccasin line is constructed using 100% cotton uppers & 100% cotton lining. Faux leather outsoles. Each pair of Piper Lane Kids Co. shoes come carefully packaged in a keepsake box and wrapped with our signature printed PLKC ribbon - perfect for gifting!
Made to order.
Available Sizing:
0 - 3"
1 - 3.75"
2 - 4"
3 - 4.5"
4 - 4.75"
5 - 5"
6 - 5.25"
7 - 5.75"
8 - 6"